Saturday, October 24, 2009

Labour day !

So, it's labour day again1 Apparently, that means its time to put the tomatoes out ... but I think i'll hold off on that for a few more weeks. This spring has been so wet and col, i'm sure there's more to come !

Anyway, I repotted my larger tomatoes, washed the car, mowed the lawn and aerated it as well ... except that my fork broke half way through :( It was cheap, and I had it a while, so probably about time I got a decent one. Aerating is supposed to be good for the lawn, and given that ours is in such a mess, hopefully it will help. We've got lots of moss and quite a range of different weeds. I have done a fair amount of deweeding, but the task is just enormous. I've also put some lawn feeder down, which is supposed to help supress weeds ... somehow, I'll belive it when I see it!!!

So, I tried reseading some bits of the lawn a while ago, but mostly the grass just didn't grow. I'm not sure why, but it may be because it was still too cold, or perhaps I covered the seed too much. Anyhow, I'm trying again and reseed a few bare patches in an experiment to see what happens. Fingers crossed that the seed gets stuck in and helps the lawn! Coz, if it works, then I've got a big job raking as much moss out as I can, followed by a more serious reseading effort ...

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